Friday, 31 August 2012

RDR Toolkit Modules

MGM Advantage has produced a series of bite-sized modules to add to the RDR Toolkit, covering areas such as barriers to paying fees, overcoming objections, segmenting your client bank and more. Each module will be published on over the coming weeks.

Module 1: The effects of RDR on those advising individual clients on annuity and drawdown products.

Coming next...Module 2: Developing an advice proposition for retirement clients

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Essential RDR Toolkit

The Retail Distribution Review (RDR) that comes into force on 1 January 2013 gives you the opportunity to reposition your business with prospective clients.

MGM Advantage has pulled together a toolkit to help you market your business, particularly to clients at the point of retirement. Including sales aids, case studies and a customer brochure, the toolkit spells out to clients why it is essential to take financial advice at retirement.

Commissioned jointly by MGM Advantage, Just Retirement, LV= the programme has been produced by a team of industry specialists each with complementary skills and practical experience of building a business and advising clients.

You can browse the toolkit contents on and order your free toolkits online.

Be quick while stocks last!

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Clients thinking of retiring abroad?

Retiring abroad is a dream for many people.  The thought of an easier pace of living, better weather and potentially cheaper property than the UK can prove a strong draw.  But without the right planning and advice you can quickly get caught out by the local tax laws.  And that is before you even look at your pension and other financial arrangements.”
 Here’s some Top tips to pass on to your clients who may consider retiring abroad:
  1. Get an estimate of your state pension here
  2. Seek independent financial advice (obviously)
  3. Ask HM Revenue and Customs for information about any UK tax liability you may have even though you are living overseas
  4. Check what reciprocal agreements are in place with the destination country regarding your UK state pension
  5. Find out about your welfare rights while abroad
  6. Check the cost of healthcare in the country you are thinking of moving to
  7. If you decide to keep your property in the UK you will need to let your mortgage provider and insurance company know if it will be rented or remain empty
  8. Do your homework on the cost of living in the country you want to move to
  9. Notify utility companies, financial institutions and your local council when you are leaving
  10. Contact the electoral register, and arrange for mail forwarding via the Post Office

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Annuities and drawdown

There has never been a more daunting time to be considering retirement.  The financial markets are in a constant state of flux.  Inflation, although seeing recent falls, will come under pressure with the US drought potentially causing food price spikes.  Annuity rates are at an all time low, with the latest findings from the MGM Advantage Annuity Index revealing annuity rates having fallen by 14% since June 2009.  And clients in drawdown are seeing income falling as much as 50% following reviews.  It must leave you wondering how much worse it can get.

Clients approaching retirement may be finding their options unappealing.  They can defer taking income from their pension.  But for many this isn’t an option, they need the income now.  For others, deferring may help if markets recover, but there is also a risk in delaying annuity purchase. In the meantime, the bigger question (especially for those invested in lifestyle protected funds) may be will annuity rates recover?  Although there will be some upward movements, I believe the overall trend for the next few years will continue to be downwards.  There are simply too many factors at play putting pressure on annuity rates.  Over the next year or so we will see the introduction of equal rates (pushing down male annuity rates when currently 82% of annuities are bought by male clients), Solvency II increasing insurers’ capital requirements, ever-increasing longevity, and low gilt yields put under even more strain by the recent round of quantitative easing.
Many clients will be best advised to consider enhanced annuities, if they have the lifestyle or medical conditions to qualify.  Our data reveals the difference in income between the top enhanced annuity rates and bottom standard annuity rates come to 43% for men and 46% for women. Enhanced annuities have clearly come of age - last year they rivalled conventional annuities in the advised space for top spot in the sales charts.

The other traditional income option has been drawdown, but this has also seen its fair share of woes recently.  Falling markets, new (lower) GAD tables, and lower income limits of 100% (rather than 120%) has put some off entering drawdown, and many of those who have just gone through their five-yearly review have seen their maximum income levels fall dramatically.

Fortunately, the time when the retirement income market consisted primarily of conventional annuity and drawdown is long gone. The size of the market has increased exponentially over recent years, as more people approach retirement with a defined contribution pension pot.  Products such as flexible annuities are fast attracting followers, with ABI statistics show investment annuities now make up 7.3% of the advised retirement market1, compared to only 4.7% in 20091. This is in part due to their ability to offer some form of guaranteed income to clients, whilst the funds remain invested and are able to benefit from any surges in market performance. Over the long term this provides the potential to stave off the effects of inflation and help clients retain the same standard of living throughout retirement, or even the possibility to grow their retirement income in real terms.

Choosing the best retirement income for your clients is not an easy task. One single solution may not suit a client’s myriad of needs, and instead advisers will be putting together a retirement income portfolio using several of the different product solutions on offer. Although falling annuity rates and the new drawdown rules makes life tough for those approaching (and in) retirement, it’s still possible to devise a retirement income solution that will help meet your clients changing needs for the whole of their retirement.

1 ABI stats, 2009 and first quarter of 2012, by premium